What's the best way to board a plane?
Most airlines board their plane from the rear to the front. Some board by zones. Southwest lines you up, based on when you checked in....
Mama Natural with tips on flying with a baby
Summer travel season begins this weekend. Despite the fact we need to get this lady a Germ Free for her AND her baby, here are some...
Flight to paradise overbooked, man gets nude in protest
Meet the Rosa Parks of unfair airline treatment. When your flight to Jamaica is overbooked, one's only recourse is to get nude in...
Have we talked about our packaging?
Lest you worry about carrying an unfurled blanket onto your flight when purchasing a Germ Free Bee, here is our packaging. You can bundle...
Ex-Flight Attendants Confirm Our Worst Fears
If you read this and don't immediately click to purchase a Germ Free Bee, we need to talk. In this article from The Daily Mail, our worst...
Passive aggressive is the best kind of aggressive.
We at Germ Free Bee are a big fan of passive-aggression. Rather than confront unruly, disgusting airlines passengers, get a Germ Free Bee...
Where should parents change dirty diapers on a plane
You're flying with a infant or toddler. Then that familiar whiff brushes through your olfactories. Dirty diaper. Do you head back into...
Lady gives birth on plane, didn't know Eggo was Preggo
Remember when the movie 'Snakes On A Plane' was a far-fetched concept. We inch closer to that everyday .. when women who don't know...
Seats smaller on new Airbus A380
We're getting fatter. And our seats are getting smaller. Check out the seat on the new Airbus A380 out of Germany. The older model had 10...
Five Myths About Airplane Germs
Don't read this USA Today article unless you want to purchase a Germ Free Bee now. Journalistic hero Everett Potter debunks several myths...